In the Media
Over the years, World Spine Care has been featured in various news articles, podcast episodes, radio and television shows, and more.
Take a look at some of the featured pieces below.
📰 Articles
2024 World Federation of Chiropractic October Quarterly World Report, pg. 45
2024 World Federation of Chiropractic April Quarterly World Report, pgs. 52-53
2024 World Federation of Chiropractic January Quarterly World Report, pgs. 40, 60-61
2023 World Federation of Chiropractic Quarterly World Report, pgs. 88-89
2023 World Federation of Chiropractic Quarterly World Report, pgs. 71-72
2021 World Federation of Chiropractic Quarterly World Report, pgs. 62-63
2020 International nonprofit uses yoga to help communities practice sustainable self-care in YogaTherapy.health
2019 Addressing Low-Back Pain in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Global Spine Care Initiative and the World Spine Care Yoga Project in Yoga Therapy Today – Summer 2019
2019 Yoga Can’t Cure Your Back Pain! by Barrie Risman with Erin Moon and Geoff Outerbridge
2018 The WSC India project is featured in the British Chiropractic Association journal
2016 The WSC yoga project is featured in the Elephant Journal
2016 The WSC Botswana clinic is featured as a practice model by the World Health Organization on the Integrated Care for People website
2015 British Chiropractic Association article about World Spine Care in “Contact” Winter 2015
2015 Florida Chiropractic Association article about the Global Spine Care Initiative
2015 New Zealand Chiropractic Association article by volunteer Dr. Roisin Durcan
2015 Ontario Chiropractic Association article on Cultural Immersion featuring many WSC volunteers
2014 European Chiropractic Union “Back Space” article by WSC volunteer Dr. Rosemary Oman
2014 Botswana “Daily News” article about the Botswana WSC clinics
2014 World Spine Care is featured in Canadian Chiropractor
2013 Canadian Chiropractic Association “Back Matters” article about WSC
2012 North American Spine Society “Spineline” article about WSC
2012 American Chiropractic Association: ACA News article about WSC
2011 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College: “Primary Contact” article about WSC
2011 “Bringing Primary Care Chiropractic to the World”, Dynamic Chiropractic
🎙 Podcasts
2020 Student American Chiropractic Association Podcast Episode 5: The Global Spine Care Initiative with Dr. Haldeman (Part Two)
2020 Student American Chiropractic Association Podcast Episode 4: The Global Spine Care Initiative with Dr. Haldeman (Part One)
2019 Chiropractic Science Episode 43: Dr. Geoff Outerbridge Discusses World Spine Care and the Global Spine Care Initiative
2018 FTCA Podcast #32 – Geoff Outerbridge DC and Scott Haldeman DC, MD, PhD – World Spine Care
2018 DC2BeRevolution with Dr. Stephen Laski, previous clinic supervisor of the Moca, Dominican Republic clinic: DC2Be Rev YouTube
2018 CCGI Podcast with Dr. Scott Haldeman: CCGI Podcast Episode 15
2018 icarechirocast with Dr. Scott Haldeman and Jan Hartvigsen: icarechirocast Episode 3
2015 Chiropractic Science Podcast with Dr. Scott Haldeman: Pioneering and Contemporary Chiropractic Science
2015 Mechanical Care Podcast with Dr. Scott Haldeman: Part 1 – Seeking a solution to the greatest cause of physical disability.
2015 Mechanical Care Podcast with Dr. Scott Haldeman: Part 2 – Evidence-based, multidisciplinary and tempered with humility.
2015 Exploring Chiropractic Podcast with Dr. Geoff Outerbridge – World Spine Care.
📺 Television
2016 Dr. Adjei-Kwayisi and Dr. Outerbridge are interviewed on Ghana’s TV3 about the launch of the WSC clinic at the Ridge Hospital in Accra
2016 World Spine Care is featured on TV3 in Ghana during the launch of the WSC clinic at the Ridge Hospital in Accra.
2015 Dr. Outerbridge is nominated as a CTV Ottawa “Amazing person” for his work with World Spine Care.
2014 Dr. Outerbridge is interviewed on the Botswana Television morning show.
📻 Radio
2011 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio interview with Dr. Geoff Outerbridge
🏆 Awards & Recognition
2020 Dr. Scott Haldeman Honored with the Sheikh Zayed International Award for Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
2016 World Health Organization lists World Spine Care Botswana Clinic as a leading practice on the Integrated Care for People website: Creating a sustainable model of spine care in underserved communities in Botswana
2015 Dr. Scott Haldeman receives the “Distinguished Service” award from the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health of the Bone and Joint Decade: (an initiative of the World Health Organization).